I am your friendly Food Basket and my place is behind the last pew on Sunday mornings.
People make me very happy when they bring non-perishable food items for me and my friends down in the Tenderloin at the Bay Area Women’s and Children’s Center. I have been receiving lots of food lately. I especially like cereal, peanut butter, soups, canned vegetables, canned fruit, pasta and sauce, tuna and things like that. I hope you all think about refilling me so the children of the Tenderloin have good things to eat during the summer. Thanks for all you do. I’ll be looking for you on Sunday morning.
You will find the food basket near the entrance to the worship hall behind the last pew. For many years St. Francis parishioners have been putting donations of non-perishable food in the basket as a part of our commitment to help others.
The food from this basket is delivered to The Bay Area Women and Children’s Center in the Tenderloin. This organization serves the families that live in the Tenderloin. They provide help in the form of food, clothing, translation of documents, and support services. They have been instrumental in getting a school opened for the neighborhood children, the building of seven mini-parks for the neighborhood and one gym and large playground. They have brought preschool and parenting classes into the area from City College. BAWCC operates solely on donations and grant monies.
The food from our basket helps them be able to help more families without using their grant and donation money. The people there are most grateful to the people of St. Francis’ for your generous gifts.
Items of food that are especially helpful: peanut butter, cereal, hearty soups, canned vegetables, canned fruit, rice, pasta and sauce, canned meats and fish, canned pasta with meat sauce.
Please do not bring: opened items, perishable items, bent or rusty cans.