Visiting for the first time?
Welcome to the St. Francis’ Episcopal website page for newcomers. We know it can be daunting to visit a church for the first time, not unlike visiting a foreign country where you are uncertain about the customs and traditions. We hope this introduction will answer some of the questions you might have as a new visitor to our church, thereby making your first visit more comfortable. You will find some of this information on other pages of our website, but we thought that finding everything in one place would be most useful. Or, you can skip this page, just show up, and we will help you figure it out!
Please know that we strive to welcome visitors warmly, non judgmentally, and without pressuring anyone to engage in church life more than they wish. You are welcome at our church whether you are “church shopping” to find the church with the right fit, visiting from out of town, or simply just curious. Our parishioners come from many different backgrounds. Some of our parishioners are lifelong “cradle to grave” Episcopalians who are seeking a new parish. Some of our parishioners were raised Catholic, but find our liturgical service very familiar. Other parishioners were raised in more “low church” traditions and have experienced firsthand the transition into a liturgical service with more elaborate worship rituals than what they remember from childhood. Many people, especially young people, find all churches unfamiliar. “Spiritual but not religious”, they seek to explore what an organized church might bring to their lives. Whether you fit into one or none of these categories, you are welcome at St. Francis’!
If there are things about our worship that seem difficult and don’t make sense, be patient with the unfamiliarity. Consider that you are entering into a conversation with God and the faithful, which began centuries before we were here and will continue after we are gone. Just join in as you are.
A few logistics.
St. Francis’ Episcopal is located at 399 San Fernando Avenue in San Francisco at Ocean Avenue. Across the street from Commodore Sloat Elementary School, we are a short walk from the Ocean Avenue and San Leandro Way stop on the K Muni line. There is usually ample street parking, although you might need to try Ocean Avenue or San Leandro Way when San Fernando fills up.
Our Sunday 10am service, our main service, is a choral service with the St. Francis’ Choir and organ (during the academic year). The congregation joins in the hymns and canticles at the 10am service.
When you arrive, you will usually find one or two “greeters” outside of the church doors to welcome you and to answer any questions you might have, give directions, etc. Inside the church doors, an usher will provide you with a printed bulletin which explains the schedule for the service. Sit in any pew that seems to be calling your name!
You will find that most of our parishioners dress somewhere between “casual” and “business casual” for worship services. Most people do not “dress up” to attend church, but you may get compliments if you do!
Church School for the children takes place during the first half of the 10am service. After the offering, the children rejoin their families for the bread and (very watered-down) wine of the Eucharist. A greeter can direct you to the Church School classrooms. Nursery care for the youngest children is offered during the 10am service as an aid to parents who wish to use it, but some parents prefer to bring their children into church for the entire service. We offer the Montessori-based Godly Play program for second through sixth graders, and a Tween and Teen Group for youth. Most church school programs (but not the nursery) go on hiatus during the summer.
We encourage you to sign in to our visitors’ book as you enter if you would like to hear back from us or receive our weekly email.
A Liturgical Church
St. Francis’ Episcopal is a liturgical church, which means we follow fixed orders of service, known as liturgies. The first half of the service, “The Liturgy of the Word”, focusses on Bible readings, prayers, and the sermon. The second half of the service is “The Liturgy of the Table”, where we remember the Last Supper and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross by praying and coming to the altar (“table”) for the bread and the wine. Hymns and sung prayers are interspersed throughout.
The Episcopal liturgy is a rich tradition with ancient roots, but it can be a bit confusing at first. If the bulletin doesn’t clarify what you should do, copy the people around you or just observe. Remember, many of us in the pews started out just as unsure as you might be. With time, we found that the liturgy and the music deepened our spirituality and brought us closer to God.
You will find two books in the pews: the red “Book of Common Prayer” and the blue “Hymnal”. The bulletin will provide you with an outline of the service and page references to the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal as needed to enable you to follow the order of service. The Bible readings for the day are available in printed form from the ushers.
At St. Francis’, we stand to sing, we stand or kneel for prayer, and we stand or kneel to receive Holy Communion. You are welcome to follow your own practice when it comes to standing or kneeling, or to simply remain seated. Many people at St. Francis’ follow the ancient custom of making the sign of the cross at various points in the service, in remembrance of their Baptism.
After the “Liturgy of the Word” and before the “Liturgy of the Table”, you are welcome to share God’s Peace by shaking hands with those around you and saying Jesus’ words, “Peace be with you.” Following The Peace, there is the opportunity to request prayers for birthdays, for anniversaries, and for travelers. There is also opportunity for a private prayer for healing (for yourself or on behalf of someone else) at the side altar with a priest during the distribution of Holy Communion.
Receiving Communion
All who seek God are welcome at the Lord’s Table to receive the Bread and the Wine. Even if you do not seek God, you are still welcome because God seeks you. Come and hold in your mouth and taste on your lips the love that we cannot comprehend.
Whether we call it The Eucharist, Communion, or The Mass, Episcopalians share in the bread and the wine every Sunday.
All who seek God are welcome to receive Holy Communion at God’s table at St. Francis’. We do not make requirements regarding church membership, baptism, etc. Ushers will indicate when it is time for your pew to walk up to the altar at the front of the church.
You may drink from the common cup or you may dip the bread into the wine. You may abstain from either and, instead, request a blessing by crossing your arms over your chest. Please note that you are welcome to simply remain in the pew during the distribution of the bread and the wine.
We welcome children to receive communion. The priest will ask you if you want your children to receive the bread and/or the wine, or to simply receive a blessing when you bring them to the altar. Children at St. Francis’ say that our bread tastes delicious (it does!). Let’s Eat!
Coffee Hour . . . and Beyond!
Following the service, please join us for coffee hour in the Parish Hall (after the 10am service). Enjoy free coffee, beverages, and snacks, and chat with some of our parishioners.
Here at St. Francis’, we always love to see visitors return and become part of our community. We hope that St. Francis’ Episcopal will bring you a rich and rewarding worship experience, participation in a warm and caring community, and the possibility of becoming meaningfully involved in some of our varied service and outreach opportunities.
For more information about St. Francis’, speak with some of our parishioners or one of our priests after church, or call the church office at 415-334-1590 to set up a telephone appointment with our rector. You can also dive in to other sections of this website, or check out past copies of our newsletter, The PAX.