Try our new Donation form and 2025 Pledge form!

We are using a new fundraising platform which permits ongoing donations with one submission. You can try it out here: New Donation Form. Or up above by clicking the “Donate” menu link. The 2025 Pledge form is located at:

2025 Outreach & Community

We invite, support and encourage the engagement of parish members and the community in activities and advocacy that serve those in our local, larger and international community who need food, clothing, healthcare, shelter, safety, justice, and love. Some of our signature community outreach events include: Ongoing volunteer opportunities include: Safe Harbor Shelter: Our church helps … [Read more…]

Spring and Summer Community Events at St. Francis’

“Let’s Dance” Party & Potluck A family dance and potluck party on Saturday, January 19 at 5:30 pm. Valentines for Veterans Supplies will be provided during coffee hour on Sunday, February 4th, after the 10:00 am service. Shoes, Socks and Jacket Collection Please bring gently used shoes and/or new socks to Lakeside Landing, located at … [Read more…]

Advent and Christmas at St. Francis’

Advent and Christmas were joyful at St. Francis’ Episcopal.  We held our Children’s Pageant and Choral Services on Christmas Eve, with lovely decorations outside the entrance of the sanctuary, and with our clergy wearing their festive Christmas vestments. Earlier in Advent, we made Advent Wreaths during our annual Santa Lucia service to benefit the San … [Read more…]